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This section is for developers only. It describes the requirements, the setup process, how to run tests, and how to deploy.


Before starting the project make sure these requirements are available:

  • python. The python programming language (v3.8 or higher).

  • git. For versioning your code.


Create the python environment

To create a python virtual environment using venv, simply run the following commands:

# create a new virtual environment
python -m venv venv

# activate the environment (UNIX)
. ./venv/bin/activate

# activate the environment (WINDOWS)

# deactivate the environment (UNIX & WINDOWS)


To install the requirements run:

pip install -e .[all]

Githooks. Githooks enable automatic commit and push hooks. The project is configured to run tests on each commit and to run tests and format the code on each push. See the configuration in .githooks.ini. To enable git hooks, run:



To run existing tests, simply run:

python -m unittest discover test

To test notebooks, run:

pytest --nbmake ./docs/how-to-guides/**/*ipynb


To start live-reloading the documentation, run:

mkdocs serve

When suggesting changes, please refer to the Material for MkDocs documentation.


Once the changes are accepted into the project, the GitHub Actions automatically deploy the documentation to the gh-pages branch.