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Generators overview

In this post, we will show an overview of the implemented generators. The generators are used to create new texts that would serve as substitutes to the extracted named entities. The substitutes can be then used to replace and anonymize the text.

All generators and their API references are available in the generators module. What follows is the presentation of the different generators anonipy provides.


Let us first define the text, from which we want to extract the entities.

original_text = """\
Medical Record

Patient Name: John Doe
Date of Birth: 15-01-1985
Date of Examination: 20-05-2024
Social Security Number: 123-45-6789

Examination Procedure:
John Doe underwent a routine physical examination. The procedure included measuring vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature), a comprehensive blood panel, and a cardiovascular stress test. The patient also reported occasional headaches and dizziness, prompting a neurological assessment and an MRI scan to rule out any underlying issues.

Medication Prescribed:

Ibuprofen 200 mg: Take one tablet every 6-8 hours as needed for headache and pain relief.
Lisinopril 10 mg: Take one tablet daily to manage high blood pressure.
Next Examination Date:

Normally, the entities would be extracted using an extractor. For this example, we manually define the entities.

from anonipy.definitions import Entity

entities = [
        text="John Doe",
        label="social security number",


All following generators are available in the generators module.

The LLM label generator

The LLMLabelGenerator is a one-stop-shop generator that utilizes LLMs to generate replacements for entities. It is implemented to support any entity type.

from anonipy.anonymize.generators import LLMLabelGenerator

The LLMLabelGenerator requires the following input parameters at initialization:


Name Type Description Default
model_name str

The name of the model to use.

use_gpu bool

Whether to use GPU or not.

use_quant bool

Whether to use quantization or not.


Let us now initialize the LLM label generator.

llm_generator = LLMLabelGenerator()

Initialization warnings

The initialization of LLMLabelGenerator will throw some warnings. Ignore them. These are expected due to the use of package dependencies.

To use the generator, we can call the generate method. The generate method receives the following parameters:


Name Type Description Default
entity Entity

The entity to generate the label from.

add_entity_attrs str

Additional entity attribute description to add to the generation.

temperature float

The temperature to use for the generation.

top_p float

The top p to use for the generation.


Let us generate the replacement for the first entity from entities using the default parameters.

llm_generator.generate(entities[0])# (1)!
  1. The generator receives the John Doe name entity and might return the replacement: Ethan Thomson

Let us now change the label prefix and generate the replacement using a higher temperature.

)# (1)!
  1. The generator receives the John Doe name entity and under the different generation parameters might return the replacement: Juan Rodrigez

Going through the whole entities list, the LLMLabelGenerator, using the default parameters, might generate the following replacements:

Entity Type Label Replacement
John Doe string name Ethan Thomson
20-05-2024 date date 23-07-2027
123-45-6789 custom social security number 987-65-4321

Advices and suggestions

Using LLMLabelGenerator only for string and custom types. While the LLMLabelGenerator is able to generate alternatives for different entity types, we suggest using it only for string and custom entity types. The reason is that the LLMs can be quite slow for generating replacements.

In addition, anonipy has other generators that can be used for other entity types, such as dates, numbers, etc.

Restricting with regex. Using LLMs to generate text is best when the generation is restricted to a specific pattern. The Entity object already contains a regex field that can be used to restrict the generation to a specific pattern. However, it is recommended to specify to have as specific and restrictive regex expressions as possible.

This will help the LLMLabelGenerator to generate more accurate replacements.

The mask label generator

The MaskLabelGenerator is a generator that uses smaller language models, such as XLM-RoBERTa, to generate replacements for entities. It is implemented to support any entity type, but we suggest using it only with string entities. For other entity types, please use other available generators.

from anonipy.anonymize.generators import MaskLabelGenerator

The MaskLabelGenerator requires the following input parameters at initialization:


Name Type Description Default
model_name str

The name of the masking model to use.

use_gpu bool

Whether to use GPU/CUDA, if available.

context_window int

The context window size.


Let us now initialize the mask label generator.

mask_generator = MaskLabelGenerator()

Initialization warnings

The initialization of LLMLabelGenerator will throw some warnings. Ignore them. These are expected due to the use of package dependencies.

To use the generator, we can call the generate method. The generate method receives the following parameters:


Name Type Description Default
entity Entity

The entity used to generate the substitute.

text str

The original text in which the entity is located; used to get the entity's context.


This generator will create a list of suggestions from which it will select one at random. Therefore, the generator will return different suggestions every time it is called.

mask_generator.generate(entities[0], text=original_text)# (1)!
mask_generator.generate(entities[0], text=original_text)# (2)!
mask_generator.generate(entities[0], text=original_text)# (3)!
  1. The first generation for the John Doe name entity might return the replacement: James Smith
  2. The second generation might return the replacement: Michael Smith
  3. The third generation might return the replacement: David Blane

Advices and suggestions

Using only for string entities. As seen from the above examples, the MaskLabelGenerator is best used with string entities. For number and date entities, it is best to use other generators, such as NumberGenerator and DateGenerator.

The number generator

The NumberGenerator is a generator for generating random numbers. It is implemented to support integers, floats, and phone numbers, but it can be used to generate values for custom types which include numbers.

from anonipy.anonymize.generators import NumberGenerator

The NumberGenerator currently does not require any input parameters at initialization.

number_generator = NumberGenerator()

To use the generator, we can call the generate method. The generate method receives the following parameters:


Name Type Description Default
entity Entity

The numeric entity to generate the numeric substitute.



Type Description

If the entity type is not integer, float, phone_number or custom.

This generator will create a suggestion by replacing numeric values in the entity text at random. Therefore, the generator will return different suggestions every time it is called.

number_generator.generate(entities[2])# (1)!
  1. For the social security number entity, the generator will return a replacement, such as: 143-46-4915.

Furthermore, it will throw an error if the entity type is not integer, float, phone_number or custom.

    number_generator.generate(entities[0])# (1)!
except Exception as e:
    print(e)# (2)!
  1. The provided entity is a string, therefore it will raise an error.
  2. The exception will state The entity type must be 'integer', 'float', 'phone_number' or 'custom' to generate numbers.

The date generator

The DateGenerator is a generator for generating dates. It is implemented to support date entities.

from anonipy.anonymize.generators import DateGenerator

The DateGenerator requires the following input parameters at initialization:


Name Type Description Default
lang Union[str, LANGUAGES]

The language of the text.

date_format str

The date format in which the date should be generated. More on date formats see here.

day_sigma int

The range of the random date in days.


Let us now initialize the date generator.

date_generator = DateGenerator()

To use the generator, we can call the generate method. The generate method receives the following parameters:


Name Type Description Default
entity Entity

The entity to generate the date substitute from.


The substitute function variant to use.


Using the above parameters, this generator will create the appropriate date suggestions:

entities[1]# (1)!
date_generator.generate(entities[1], sub_variant="RANDOM")# (2)!
date_generator.generate(entities[1], sub_variant="FIRST_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH")# (3)!
date_generator.generate(entities[1], sub_variant="LAST_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH")# (4)!
date_generator.generate(entities[1], sub_variant="MIDDLE_OF_THE_MONTH")# (5)!
date_generator.generate(entities[1], sub_variant="MIDDLE_OF_THE_YEAR")# (6)!
  1. The entity is a date entity with the text 20-05-2024.
  2. The RANDOM sub variant will return a random date within the given date range. A possible generation can be: 26-05-2024
  3. The FIRST_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH sub variant will return the first day of the month: 01-05-2024
  4. The LAST_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH sub variant will return the last day of the month: 31-05-2024
  5. The MIDDLE_OF_THE_MONTH sub variant will return the middle day of the month: 15-05-2024
  6. The MIDDLE_OF_THE_YEAR sub variant will return the middle day of the year: 01-07-2024

Furthermore, it will throw an error if the entity type is not date.

    date_generator.generate(entities[0])# (1)!
except Exception as e:
    print(e)# (2)!
  1. The provided entity is a string, therefore it will raise an error.
  2. The exception will state The entity type must be 'date' to generate dates.


The generators are used to create new texts that would serve as substitutes to the extracted named entities. The substitutes can be then used to replace and anonymize the text.